
The Sundarban is a natural region in the bangal region comprising Bangladesh and Estern India. It is the largest single black of tidal halophylic forest in the world. The  total area of sundarban 6000 square kilometers. Which 60 persent in Bangladesh . The sundarban UNESCO world heritage site. 

Forest Limits: North Bagherhat Khulna and Sathkira districts ;South-Bay of banglal ;East -Baleswar river ,Perojpur, Barishal district and West Rimangal and hariabhanga rivars which partially from Bangladesh boundary with West Bengal in India.

The name Shundarban can be literally translated as "beautiful forest" in the bangali language. The name may have been derived from the sundari trees that are found in Sundarbans in large numbers. 

Geography: The Sundarban forest lies in the vast delta on the bay of bengal formed by the super confluence of the Gangas, Padma, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers acrosssouthern Bangladesh.

The Animals of Sundarban:

Bangal tiger one of the largest living cats on earth, belong to  family felidae, order carnivora. The Bengal tiger is recognized as the national animal of Bangladesh and it is renowned as the royal bengal tiger.

Jungle Cat: This is a  stout bodied cat found in Sundarbans. A nocturnal animal which preys on small animas.
This cat is often met with in sundarban. It is a good climber and an ambush predator.

Leopard Cat: This cat is an agilec climber and good swimmer. It preys on birds,bats, hares and fawns.

Fishing Cat: This is apowerfully built cat. It is a nocturnal predator and an expert swimmer .

Comming Rat Snake: This is a common snake of India and Sundarbans. It is non-venomous. It is commonly seen in agrecultural fields, forests and haystacks.

Common Karoit: This isthe most venomous snake in the India. This is strictly nocturnal snake. If feeds mailny on snakes.

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